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Traditional Turkmen Lady |
Central Eurasia:
Annaklychev Sh.B. Birth and upbringing of children in the Turkmen Yomud
in the past / / Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmen SSR, 1958, № 1. S. 77-86. Byblos.
Rites and religious people. Cult of many children in the Turkmen
family. Culture care for pregnant women. Midwives. For children. The
naming. Ceremony of “Chile”. Grooming children. Circumcised. Childrens
Jikia A. On the history of
cultural and economic ties with Turkmen ogurdzhali Persia in the
XVIII-XIX centuries. / / Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of
Turkmen SSR, 1959, № 6. S. 81-85. Deadly feud between the Turkomans and
Persians, the Persians themselves to the reckoning of the Aryans and
their relation to the Turkmen people
as barbarians and alaman chapauly, punitive expedition against the
Persians, Turkmen, Turkmen in the harassment did not stop Mazendarane
process of cultural and economic cooperation between the two nations....
Analysing materials Ganveya, Fraser, N. Muravyev, IF Blaramberg, M.
Galkin and AP Ogorodnikov, the author shows the role of the Turkmen
ogurdzhali in the supply of Persia through the Afghan contractors of
oil, ozokerite, salt Cheleken, in exchange for English cloth, fishing hooks, Indian shawls, American boots. There
have been ceremonies of worship to fire the Turkmens, the cultural
influence of Persia on the clothes of the male Turkmen, clothing women
turkmenok similar to Armenian women and Jewish women clothing Persia.
Aghajanov SG From the history of the Oguz-Turkmen tribes early Middle Ages / / Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmen SSR, 1959, № 2. S. 32-39. Byblos. 57 titles. The history of Oghuz
tribal groups bulyuk-bolyukov, consisting of nine clans (according
Marvaziy) and was part of the Karluk Oguz (according to Chinese annals).
Excursion into the past Karluk powers VIII century.
The subsequent history in the Seven Rivers. The tenth century. –
Bulyuki in the Confederation Yagma in the Central and Western Tien-Shan.
Etymology bulyuk-Bulak in connection with the
territorial-administrative division of the settled and nomadic
populations. On the identification of the Oghuz and Karluk in the XI century,
as the Turkmen. Public education in the core of the Karluk tribal
groups – bolyuk. On entry into the bolyukov Oguz-Turkmen. Alka
(ahaicheskoe, then – Ak) and Kara-bolyuki as the traditional division of
the Oghuz. The concept of the Dutch orientalist MT Hutsma in his book
“The tribes of the Oghuz.” His interpretation of “Alka”. Kara bolyuki –
black tent. Kara oyli and Sakar. The absence of alka-oyli in the tribal
names of the Turkmen.
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